Jubbaland MoiFAR


Women’s Participation politics in general and Local Governance in particular



The Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, Jubbaland State has the mandate to establish local governments that have capability to deliver efficient, equitable and decentralized services to the citizens and promote peace and economic development. The Ministry of Interior is also responsible for enhancing and ensuring the representation of women in local government institutions (councils and administrations)
The Ministry needs qualified staff that have capacity to independently carry out their mandated roles and responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner. Accordingly, the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation is requesting from UNDP/JPLG to support 2-days focus group discussion workshop with the objective of sensitizing / educating religious leaders, women, traditional elders, youth, and key government bodies on women’s political rights, the importance of women’s participation and right to be elected in decision making levels / processes.
The main objective of the workshop is to of sensitize religious leaders, women, traditional elders, youth, and key government bodies on women’s political rights, the importance of women’s participation and right to be elected in decision making levels / processes through:-
  1. Gaining perspective from the various participants on the limited participation and role of women in politics and decision-making spheres as well as suggested corrective actions
  2. Assessing environmental, cultural, political and social factors that might be contributing to lack of or low women participation in politics and decision-making roles
Discussing factors that might lead to balanced participation in decision making processes for both men and women
Expected Outcome:
Key expected outcomes from the training workshop include:
  • Identifying factors that limit participation of women in politics and having candid discussions on the same
  • Coming up with an action plan that will encourage and foster higher participation of women in different public spheres
  • Facilitate platforms composed of traditional elders, youths, women groups, government bodies and other actors in the gender space to advocate for and be champions of gender.


This Human Resource Management Manual provides guidance for MOIFAR and districts staff in understanding the rights and responsibilities of human resource of MOIFAR and Local governance staff based on the local government employee regulation, with an emphasis on transparent and accountable work practices.
The Human Resource Management Manual sets out procedures, forms and tools that can be used to carry out important Human resource management processes, such as recruitment process, inductions, performance appraisal, fines and rewarding etc.


Jubaland has been urbanizing rapidly and are facing serious challenge of providing essential infrastructure to keep pace with development. The municipalities are vested with numbers of responsibilities to improve the quality of life of the people. One among the key responsibilities is to manage state solid waste effectively to protect public health and environment. 
The absence of comprehensive enactment at the national level and regulatory framework at the Municipal level to effectively deal with Municipal and State Authority solid waste has made it imperative to prepare this Solid Waste Management Byelaw including covid19. These Bye-laws are framed to ensure stakeholder participation and make Government accountable for the management of solid waste with in technological matter. It also  provides for Business opportunities, resource recovery and recycling; imposing and collecting service fees, Disposal service fee, licenses service fee, penalties and fine fee; granting powers to Municipality and authorizing through officials to implement this Bye law and Improving the solid waste management system of the country.
Municipality intends to convey the importance of sanitation to all its citizens and it acknowledges the role of people and their participation in effective governance. Active Citizen Groups, NGOs & Resident’s Associations can make valuable contribution in effective implementation of the Byelaw.